Wednesday 15 April 2020

Motor Pool Ambulance Drivers

I've had some negatives from Carl for some while and although I have looked at them I have not attempted till yesterday to get them in to image format.  This is the first of a few that I have done and will upload some over the next week or so.  You will agree that this one has come out well.  Shows some of the Ambulance crew of the 279th, at the Motor Pool, with a Jeep belonging to the utilities unit behind. Carl says that the guy front and center is Pfc. Bastiano J. Russo. His name is on the windscreen of the ambulance.  He was from San Francisco area and was Italian born.  This pic has caused some conversation among the military vehicle history buffs due to the jeep markings and the red painted tops on the jerry cans on the vehicles (an un-common thing!!).

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