Wednesday 29 April 2020

Where did you get that bike ?

Bill Lacer on the canal path near Llanwenarth House, Govilon.

Haircut anyone ?

A view of the camp barber shop. I think I uploaded a pic of this before but this is a clearer image.

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Warm tent..

Two of the Red Cross girls again this time in front of one of the many tents set up between the buildings to provide extra storage and accommodation. Notice the wood/coal fired water boiler inside making it extra toastie !

Carmen Longo

Not sure who this guy is, maybe Carl will know ? Carl does know, its T5 Carmen Longo (Mess Department). Seems to have a strange coat on also, as it looks waterproofed, but it could just be a plain M43 issue jacket.

Monday 20 April 2020

Light Entertainment.

Not sure who this is yet. This must have been the camp piano in the theatre/rec hall.

3 Red Cross Girls

Here are the 3 red Cross girls that we saw in the earlier group photo. Possibly the winter of 1944. Seen here near their billets in the female part of the camp.

Sunday 19 April 2020

Camp Bowie training.

Carl McDaniel, Moreno & Loudermilk  during training at Camp Bowie, Texas, late early 1943, prior to coming to Wales in autumn 1943. They didn't bring the weather with them.

All the mod cons..

Up to date equipment being used in the hospital facilities.  carl states that this its an xray machine made by the Picker Corp of Cleveland Ohio was made in separate pieces son they could drop them from a plane on a chute.

Off to town...

279th members out in the locality.  Probably late 1943..

Friday 17 April 2020

Time for a swim..

Swimming in the River Usk. The farmhouse of Mardy Farm on the Llanwenarth side of the river can be seen in the background.  The same spot now 2020.

Sparse but effective...

Basic by today's standards. Inside the X-Ray machine building, showing the aparatus and the developing sinks.  Strange to think that most of the images you are viewing were developed into negatives and prints in these very sinks!! Carl states that the top picture is a Picker set up with a Picker table? (Picker Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio.) Ive added a picture of one in use.

Thursday 16 April 2020

Time Off...

Carl reliably informs me this was one of a few 'beer' parties held in the nearby woods to the camp!!

Lacer & lazono

Bill Lacer and Oscar Lazono taking in a walk on one of the canal bridges near Gilwern.

War wounded...

Recovering patients with Medical staff and US Red Cross Nurses, probably mid to late 1944.

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Motor Pool Ambulance Drivers

I've had some negatives from Carl for some while and although I have looked at them I have not attempted till yesterday to get them in to image format.  This is the first of a few that I have done and will upload some over the next week or so.  You will agree that this one has come out well.  Shows some of the Ambulance crew of the 279th, at the Motor Pool, with a Jeep belonging to the utilities unit behind. Carl says that the guy front and center is Pfc. Bastiano J. Russo. His name is on the windscreen of the ambulance.  He was from San Francisco area and was Italian born.  This pic has caused some conversation among the military vehicle history buffs due to the jeep markings and the red painted tops on the jerry cans on the vehicles (an un-common thing!!).