Thursday 27 May 2010


Wa-Hop-Chop was from Hawaii, one of carls good friends. Notice the shoulder badge for US 'Service Forces'.

Friends together.

Carl is at the back with the tie on! This is taken at the top end of the camp at the OR's accomotation. In the background can be seen the railings surrounding the cess pit workings of the nearby Ty-Mawr house. The railings are still there today and I took my Jeep to this exact position last week. One of the accomodation barracks and one of the shower blocks remain, but under thick vegitation. The whole area is now overgrown.

Thursday 13 May 2010

Cycle Japes !

Fooloing around near the boiler and power house. Notice the power lines and the fire water tank.
Pfc. Harry S. Hershall riding the bike with Bill Lacer on top and Mac hanging off the front.

Cycle ride on a sunny Day.

Get the shades out. These Nurses prepare for a ride in the country.

Monday 10 May 2010

Mac on his bike...

Carl MacDaniel riding on the canal between Govilon and Gilwern.

More Cycles..

Three Nurses out for a ride, on the lane heading West from the camp towards Gilwern Lower Common.


One of the Nurses near the ward buildings.
Easy for getting around. Bicycles were used a lot more than they are today. I dont know if these would have been British bikes or if the Yanks brought their own.

Sunday 2 May 2010

Haircut ?

And they had a barber shop! Notice the bicycle racks.